Sunday, June 19, 2011

3.4 - I can recall the products of complete and incomplete combustion of alkanes.

1. Saturated hydrocarbons are called _____.
2. Small chain _____ are used as fuels.
3. The reaction is called _____.
4. The word equation for this chemical reaction is: fuel (_____) + _____ --> _____ + _____ + ENERGY (heart, light, sound)
5. If there is insufficient oxygen then the word equation is: fuel (_____) + _____ --> _____ + _____ + ENERGY (heart, light, sound)
6. The problem with this reaction is that _____ is produced. This gas is _____ to the human body (see objective 5.11)
7. Where can you find incomplete combustion?
8. What is used to reduce the harmful products from incomplete combustion?
9. During incomplete combustion a smoky flame is often seen, explain this observation.
10. Describe the two chemical tests for water.
11. Describe the chemical test for carbon dioxide gas.
12. Describe the physical test for water.
Extension. Write a balanced equation (with state symbols) for the combustion of propane gas:

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Annual Chemistry Exam 2011 Targets

  • Read the question carefully (physical state, not value).
  • Learn the observations of the reactions (potassium bromide + chlorine).
  • Read the question carefully (word equation NOT symbol equation).
  • Describe, in terms of electrons, when sodium reacts with oxygen.
  • Protons in isotopes.
  • Colour change in test for water.
  • Outline how fractional distillation works.